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Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Authority
Is to provide Connecticut’s workforce access to paid family leave benefits and to empower employers by offering helpful tools for understanding their vital role and provide support to navigate the program. This program allows those employees working in Connecticut the opportunity to address personal and family health needs without the consequence of lost income.
Autoridad de seguro de licencia médica y familiar pagada
Es proporcionar a la fuerza laboral de Connecticut acceso a los beneficios de licencia familiar pagada y capacitar a los empleadores al ofrecer herramientas útiles para comprender su función vital y brindar apoyo para navegar el programa. Este programa permite a los empleados que trabajan en Connecticut la oportunidad de abordar las necesidades de salud personales y familiares sin la consecuencia de la pérdida de ingresos.
Go to https://www.211ct.org/ or call 211 if you have a question about the Emergency food pantry,
financial assistance, COVID-19, and more.

Throughout its nearly 30-year history, SAMA has enjoyed outstanding working relationships with members of government and corporate sector. Through its network of more than 500 local Hispanic business owners and organizations, SAMA effectively communicates the needs and potential of the Hispanic enterprise to the public, government and private sector.