Unete a Nosotros
Conversacion Sobre Seguridad Publica Communitaria con la Comunidad Hispana
Jueves, 15 de Agosto
SAMA -95 Calle Park, 3er piso
Hartford, CT 06106
HORA: 5:30 – 7:30
Join us
Community Public Safety Conversation with the Hispanic Community
Thursday, August 15
SAMA – 95 Park St, 3rd FL
Hartford, CT 06106
TIME: 5:30 – 7:30
Bank of America/CT Hola
Jacqueline Nadal
Due to the success of the Small Business Grant Program, we have reached capacity and no longer accepting applications. Stay Tuned for the next round of funding to be announced in early 2024.
Due to the success of the Small Business Grant Program, we have reached capacity and no longer accepting applications. Stay Tuned for the next round of funding to be announced in early 2024.
Gracias! – Thank you!
SAMA y el Instituto para las Familias Hispanas/Catholic Charities agradecen a todos sus patrocinadores por ayudar a hacer del Día de Reyes un evento memorable para nuestra comunidad.
SAMA & the Institute for the Hispanic Families/Catholic Charities thank all its sponsors for helping to make Three Kings Day a memorable event for our community.
2024 Three Kings Day Parade Sponsors
Park Street Special Services District
SAMA Merchants
CICD Puerto Rican Parade
Marine Toys for Tots
Santa Glen
Bank of America/CT Hola
Jacqueline Nadal
Maria Serrano
Representative James Sanchez
The Equity Center / Advisory Board Parent
ST.Rose Catholic Church
Carmen Marrero
Casa de Adoracion y Alabanza
Join and Stay up-to-date with all of SAMA’s news and events by joining our mailing list.
Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)
Solicite un crédito fiscal comercial reembolsable del IRS
Si es dueño de un negocio que tenía empleados durante la pandemia de COVID-19, puede ser elegible.
Claim a refundable business tax credit from the IRS
If you own a business that had employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be eligible.
¿Qué es?
El ERTC es un crédito fiscal reembolsable. Recompensa a las empresas que mantuvieron empleados durante la pandemia de COVID-19, hasta $26,000 por empleado . Puede obtener el crédito de forma retroactiva.
¿Quién es elegible?
Las empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro de cualquier tamaño que cerraron o limitaron sus operaciones durante la pandemia de COVID-19 pueden ser elegibles. Si su negocio perdió dinero en comparación con antes de la pandemia, también puede ser elegible. Consulte la sección de detalles para obtener más información sobre la elegibilidad.
¿Cómo reclamar el crédito?
El IRS procesa las reclamaciones a través del formulario 941-X . Hable con un contador, quien puede ayudarlo a comprender los requisitos, completar el formulario y maximizar su reclamo. Encuentre una lista de Contadores Públicos Certificados (CPA) locales.
What is it?
The ERTC is a refundable tax credit. It rewards businesses who kept employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to $26,000 per employee. You can get the credit retroactively.
Who’s eligible?
Businesses and non-profits of any size that closed or limited operations during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible. If your business lost money compared to before the pandemic, you may also be eligible. See the details section for more about eligibility.
How to claim the credit?
The IRS processes claims through form 941-X. Talk to an accountant, who can help you understand the requirements, fill out the form, and maximize your claim. Find a list of local Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).
Para obtener más información, vaya a / To learn more information, go to
Single-Use Plastic Bag has been banned since July 1, 2021
The single-use plastic bag fee ended on June 30, 2021. Connecticut’s plastic bag ban took effect on July 1, 2021
La bolsa de plástico de un solo uso está prohibida desde el 1ro de julio 2021
La bolsa de plástico de un solo uso está prohibida desde el 1ro de julio 2021
Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Authority
Is to provide Connecticut’s workforce access to paid family leave benefits and to empower employers by offering helpful tools for understanding their vital role and provide support to navigate the program. This program allows those employees working in Connecticut the opportunity to address personal and family health needs without the consequence of lost income.
Autoridad de seguro de licencia médica y familiar pagada
Es proporcionar a la fuerza laboral de Connecticut acceso a los beneficios de licencia familiar pagada y capacitar a los empleadores al ofrecer herramientas útiles para comprender su función vital y brindar apoyo para navegar el programa. Este programa permite a los empleados que trabajan en Connecticut la oportunidad de abordar las necesidades de salud personales y familiares sin la consecuencia de la pérdida de ingresos.
The Paycheck Protection Program prioritizes millions of Americans employed by small businesses by authorizing up to $349 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses. For more information
Testing Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
8:30AM to 5:00PM
21 Grand Street, Hartford, CT
To schedule an appointment, please call
Horas de operaciòn para hacerse la prueba
lunes a viernes
8:30AM to 5:00PM
21 Grand Street, Hartford, CT
Para hacer una cita por favor llame al
Go to https://www.211ct.org/ or call 211 if you have a question about the Emergency food pantry,
financial assistance, COVID-19, and more.
SAMA is committed to providing our small business community with the latest information concerning the Coronavirus. We will continue to post as much information as it becomes available including links to important sites.
The Small Business Administration has issued a news release on Tuesday, March 17th offering disaster assistance to Connecticut small businesses economically impacted by the Coronavirus.
This news release contains a hyperlink to apply online. We have also uploaded the application in PDF which we recommend you review first to become familiar with any necessary items you may need to collect in order to apply.
Click for news release Español
For more information on COVID-19 and what you can do to keep healthy and safe, visit the Centers for Disease Control at cdc.gov or visit our states website at ct.gov/coronavirus.
Given the ongoing public health concerns relating to COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, and the significant reduction in business activity, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill has announced that all Limited Liability Company (LLC) annual reports due March 31, 2020 may be filed on or before June 30, 2020 with no penalty or other consequence. By statute, the filing fees increase on July 1, 2020.
The information on file with our office for your business entity is below:
Please note that you must create a CONCORD user account to file an annual report. This is a new requirement this year and most users in the past did not create a CONCORD account to file annual reports. If you are unsure if you have a CONCORD account, we recommend creating a new account.
For more information, you can visit portal.ct.gov/SOTS and choose “Business Services” and “Annual Report.”
For additional questions, you can email at crd@ct.gov.
Contact SAMA at 860-278-5825 to assist you in the creation of your account and to submit your report.
Manuel Aldarondo, 203-202-3415; manuel_aldarondo@samact.org (New Haven County)
Rosa Jacinto, 860-724-4910; rosa_jacinto@samact.org
Ana Sanchez Adorno, 860-819-3136; ana_sanchez@samact.org
News, Announcements, and Unemployment Information
www.ctdol.state.ct.us for all updated information.
Unemployment Separation Package: www.ctdol.state.ct.us/hp/uc-62twithbabel3-2020.pdf
To file on-line go to: http://www.filectui.com
Minority Business Revolving Loan Fund (MBRLF) more
Throughout its nearly 30-year history, SAMA has enjoyed outstanding working relationships with members of government and corporate sector. Through its network of more than 500 local Hispanic business owners and organizations, SAMA effectively communicates the needs and potential of the Hispanic enterprise to the public, government and private sector.